
Friday 12 November 2010

TWENTIETH CENTURY RESURGENCE AND FRAGMENTATION: The Age of Martyn Lloyd-Jones, John Stott and Jim Packer - Dr. Andrew Atherstone from Oxford

Date: 13 November

Venue: Cambridge School of Visual and Performing Arts (CATS), Round Church St, Cambridge

"Andrew Atherstone brings alive Church history in a way which stirs the imagination, warms the heart and nourishes the mind. One of the foremost Church historians of the day with an encyclopedic knowledge that teaches doctrine through history, Andrew is the most engaging seminary lecturer I've heard and always shows how doctrine plays out in the life of the Church and the believer. Those who attend his lectures will be greatly blessed and equipped to see the relevance of lessons from the past in the life of the Church today. Highly recommended!" Rupert Evans, Former student

"Andrew is known throughout Wycliffe and beyond as an unmissable and highly engaging speaker, who preaches both from the heart and to the heart." Tim Coomar, Wycliffe student.

Price: £10/morning - payable through website by card, or on day by cheque or cash
Time: 9.00am - 12.30pm

CSST provides Christian believers with the rare privilege of interaction with world-renowned theologians in an intimate setting for a whole week. Not to be missed!


Frederik Mulder said...

A qoute from Martyn Lloyd-Jones summs up much of what was said this morning:
'Is it right to tolerate in the same church people whose views on the essentials of the faith are diametrically opposed? Is it right that we belong to the same company, calling itself a church, as men who deny almost everything we stand for - the Deity of our Lord, the Virgin Birth, His miracles, His Atoning Sacrificial Death, the punitive and substitutionary elements of in the Atonement, our Lord's literal physical resurrection, the Person of the Holy Spirit, Regeneration, Justification by faith only, the "blessed hope" of our Lord's return? Is it rightin the light of New Testament teaching that we regard such people "brethren"; that we refer to people who never darken the doors of a place of worship as "lapsed Christians" simply because thay have been baptized as infants? Is that compatible with the New Testament teaching with regard to the church, and het purity, and her discipline, and her life? Martin Lloyd-Jones, The Puritan (Banner of Truth, 1987), p. 69

And also Francis Schaeffer on Co-operation and Compromise:
'We must practise the truth even when it is costly. We must practise it when it involves church affiliation or evangelistic cooperation. There is a difference between having discussion with a liberal theologian and inviting him to pray in our programme' (The Church at the End of the Twentieth Century, 1970, p. 49).

Unknown said...

At Cambridge Community Church were we as a family worship, we would not be able to let somebody teach that doesn't believe in the basics(as I see it) of Christianity. May God guide us all to pray for these people to see the light!