
Wednesday, 8 June 2011

University of Exeter, Centre for Biblical Studies Research Seminar: Dr Francesca Stavrakopoulou and Frederik Mulder

Centre  for Biblical Studies
Department of Theology and Religion
Research Seminar

Wednesday 8 June
(Frederik Mulder, David Horrell and Brad Arnold)

2.00-3.30pm Francesca Stavrakopoulou, "The Social Life of the Corpse".

4.00-5.00pm Frederik Mulder, "The interplay between βρῶμα, κοιλίᾳ and somatic resurrection in 1 Corinthians 6:12-14".*

A big thank you to Professor David Horrell for inviting me to be part of Exeter's Research Seminar yesterday. Thank you also for the lunch and fascinating discussions afterwards. John and Brad, it was great  meeting you guys too!

 Francesca Stavrakopoulou (top left)

One of the beautiful buildings at the University of Exeter
* Technically, my paper wasn't part of the Research Seminar I think. I delivered it afterwards as part of the Biblical Studies Seminar.


New Testament Scholarship Worldwide said...

Congratulations, Ferdie. Great that you presented a paper on "The interplay between βρῶμα, κοιλίᾳ and somatic resurrection in 1 Corinthians 6:12-14" at Exeter.

Frederik Mulder said...

Thanx brother. Exeter is a lovely seaside city. I was so encouraged to meet other PhD students who also love the Lord Jesus!