
Wednesday, 17 March 2010

"Holy Shit! De banalisering van het heilige" - prof.dr. Ger Groot

Today I attended a symposium at Radboud University, Nijmegen, where interesting but also radically divergent papers were delivered. One was by prof.dr. Ger Groot, "hoogleraar Filosofie en Literatuur, Faculteit der Filosofie" with the title: Holy Shit! De banalisering van het heilige. In short (though highly oversimplified!) he argued for the radical separation of faith and science. Some of his insights sounded a bit like Richard Dawkins though I must admit that he was more nuanced. But his basic premise was clear: faith and science cannot be friends.. Quite interestingly, on my way back to the Erasmus building (where my office is) my eye caught a sculpture which almost looked like different beehives - each representing a different field of study. There was one for science, one for faith etc etc... This made me think of prof. Groot's separating faith and science from each other. Can Christians challenge prof. Groot? If so, how?

Prof.dr.dr. Jan van der Watt also gave an engaging paper which I hope to report on next time.

On a more personal level, someone stole my bycicle at the Nijmegen train station (even though it was locked). Europe is not as civilised as some might think...


Anonymous said...

I believe that we should act and confess that GOD created all seen and unseen things. I believe that HE is the alpha and omega and the only way to eternal life. We should with great humility share the truth because the truth shall set you free!

Anonymous said...

Hai Frederik,
It's good that you create a platform for discussion on topics which need to be challenged. Human beings cannot reach the height of God by human intelligence and power. I know doctors at operation theatre are helpless to save life, for they acknowledge that science and faith has to go together.

francois mulder said...

Hi Frederik - i'm sorry to hear about your bicycle. Mine and my wifes were stolen too, but through clever detective work (on our part ;-)) we got it back 2 days later.

Blessings from George in South Africa

Frederik Mulder said...

A Nijmegen Council worker told me that every year, one million bicycles are stolen in the Netherlands... seems like the separation of science and faith does not necessarily lead to better morals...

Anonymous said...

Frederik, It is very interesting to say that faith and science can't mix. We were always told that the Bible is not a scientific handbook. I then saw that alot of things started to make more sense in creationism(I don't agree with everything, but there is alot of truth in it), and that the word of God is 100% the truth!!!
I hope that you will get a much better bicycle!! Be blessed Stephan!!